The Easy Digital Downloads Voguepay payment gateway allows you to receive pay on your Easy Digital Downloads powered store using Voguepay payment gateway.

After you have installed and activated the plugin go to the Easy Digital Downloads Settings page and click the “Payment Gateways” tab.

  1. To enable Voguepay as a payment option check the box beside the “Voguepay Payment Gateway” in the “Payment Gateways” sub-section.
  2. If you want to use set Voguepay as the default gateway, select “Voguepay Payment Gateway” from the list in the “Default Gateway” sub-section.
  3. To display the accepted payment icons on the Checkout page, check the box for the payment icons you want to display in the “Accepted Payment Method Icons” sub-section.
  4. Finally enter your “Voguepay Merchant ID” in the space provided in the “Voguepay Gateway Settings” sub-section.
  5. Remember to click the “Save Changes” button for your changes to be saved.

You are ready to start using the Voguepay payment gateway on your Easy Digital Downloads store.
